Oct 3
Join Kevin Sawford for an illustrated talk about a seasonal journey through a Suffolk back garden, with many images from his own garden.
Kevin is a professional photographer specialising in wildlife photography. He also runs photographic courses, and has won numerous national and international awards including Bird Photographer of the Year and the British Wildlife Photography award. Kevin is one of the RSPB images agency photographers whose work is regularly seen in the RSPB magazine and other RSPB literature and merchandise.
Where: Woodbridge Community Hall, Station Road, Woodbridge, IP12 4AU
When: Thursday 3rd October 2024 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Price: Group Members: Adults £4.00, U16 Free
Non-Members: Adults £5.00, U16 Free
Backyard Safari: garden wildlife through the Seasons
An illustrated talk by Kevin Sawford