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The Club had a busy October with a mix of social and fundraising events.


On the social side, the clubs annual Charter Dinner was held at the Rushmere Golf Club in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the club in 1982.  The event was attended by past and present members, friends of the club and representatives of Felixstowe Lions Club whose members  supported the original application by the Woodbridge Club to become a Lions Club.

40th Anniversary

Club President, Peter Button, speaking at the Charter Dinner

To commemorate the anniversary the Club a tree has been planted in Elmshurst Park.

40th Anniversary Tree

The plaque at the foot of the tree in Elmhurst Park commemorating the 40th anniversary

Later in the month, we held the latest of our popular Art Shows in the Salvation Army Hall in Woodbridge.  The event raised £645 and our thanks go out to all those members of the public who attended and supported the event.  Our special thanks also go to Lion Pat Carter who has always been the driving force behind the event and made it such a successful fund raiser over the years. The Mayor of Woodbridge also kindly popped in to lend his support.

Art Show

The Mayor of Woodbridge pictured with Lion Pat Carter

We always give a warm welcome to prospective new members.

Why not visit our stall at the Woodbridge Christmas Street Fair on Sunday 4th December to find out more or perhaps win a cuddly lion at our Tombola draw?