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Woodbridge Camera Club members' photographic work was displayed in the John Gibbons Gallery in the Longshed on Woodbridge Waterfront.

The three day exhibition displayed 78 prints and 47 digital images for visitors to enjoy.

At a presentation evening on Friday, Robert and Annette Roberts Judged the images and presented Winners Mugs to Charmian Berry and Robin Garrod.

The Sarah Bynom Memorial Trophy was won by Sandra Smith who was unable to collect the Trophy from Tony Bynom, their special guest for the evening.

The Exhibition received 423 visitors over the weekend.

The club would like to thank Woodbridge Riverside Trust for allowing them to use their spectacular venue, Robert & Annette Roberts for Judging the images, Hughes Electrical for loaning us a TV and their members who entered images, helped with stewarding, setting up and taking down. Another successful event.

Full details of the club's activities are available on their website

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