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Have your say on proposals designed to make it easier to choose active travel in Woodbridge.

In 2022, Suffolk County Council (SCC) secured funding from Active Travel England to look at how active travel could be encouraged in Woodbridge by improving the local infrastructure.Then, in 2023, SCC secured a further £5m to deliver some of these improvements.The proposals are designed not only to enable and encourage safe and easy walking, wheeling and cycling trips, but also to make public spaces in Woodbridge even nicer places to spend time.
The proposed interventions were designed and developed following public and key stakeholder engagement during 2023, and analysis of Traffic Data, to make Woodbridge’s streets better-connected and more people-friendly.

SCC want to make it easier to choose more active ways of getting around.Increased active travel has been shown to benefit mental and physical health, improve air quality, reduce traffic congestion and noise pollution, and increase safety.

Read the proposed interventions here

Have your say

SCC need to know what you think of these proposals for Woodbridge.
CONSULTATION IS NOW OPEN! Please use the link below to complete their survey.
The survey closes on the 9th April 2024.
If you would like to get in touch then you can do so using the details below.
Email or call 0345 603 1842
If you would like to find out more about this consultation:
  • Information boards will be on display at Woodbridge Library from 15th February and for the duration of the consultation period.
  • Public drop-in sessions:
    • Thursday 29th February at the Shire Hall, Woodbridge – 10am until 2pm
    • Saturday 9th March at the Shire Hall, Woodbridge – 10am until 2pm

Information on the project is available on The Way To Go Suffolk